Special Editions

Special Editions

Special Editions include extended interviews and bonus content that takes a deeper dive into some of the topics we cover on our daily show.
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Recent Episodes

Ep 69 | 8.13.24

Solution Spotlight: Simone Petrella talking with Lee Parrish, CISO of Newell Brands, about his book and security relationship management.

On this Solution Spotlight, guest Lee Parrish, author and CISO at Newell Brands, joins N2K President Simone Petrella to discuss his book "The Shortest Hour: An Applied Approach to Boardroom Governance of Cyber Security" and security relationship management.

Ep 68 | 7.28.24

Streamlining the US Navy's innovation process: A conversation with Acting CTO Justin Fanelli.

N2K’s Brandon Karpf speaks with guest Justin Fanelli, Acting CTO of the US Navy, about the US Navy streamlining the innovation process.

Ep 67 | 6.28.24

Solution Spotlight: Progress on the National Cyber Workforce and Education Strategy.

On this Solution Spotlight, guest Seeyew Mo, Assistant National Cyber Director, Office of the National Cyber Director at the White House, shares the nuances of the White House's skills-based approach (and how it's not only about hiring) with N2K President Simone Petrella.

Ep 66 | 6.27.24

2024 Cyber Talent Study by N2K and WiCyS.

Maria Varmazis, N2K host of T-Minus Space Daily, talks with WiCyS Executive Director Lynn Dohm and N2K's Simone Petrella, Dr. Heather Monthie, and Jeff Welgan about the 2024 Cyber Talent Study.

Ep 65 | 6.3.24

Solution Spotlight on the 2024 NICE Conference Keynote: A Journey with No Destination: A CISO’s Pathway to a Cybersecurity Career.

As part of our series on the 2024 NICE Conference, we turn our focus to the one of the keynote speakers of the conference. This year’s conference theme “Strengthening Ecosystems: Aligning Stakeholders to Bridge the Cybersecurity Workforce Gap” highlights the collective effort to strengthen the cybersecurity landscape. By joining forces with key partners, we can foster a more robust cybersecurity ecosystem to bridge the workforce gap. In her keynote coming up on Tuesday, June 4th, Deneen DiFiore, Chief Information Security Officer of United Airlines, will discuss "A Journey with No Destination: A CISO’s Pathway to a Cybersecurity Career." Prior to the conference, Simone Petrella, N2K President, caught up with Deneen DiFiore. They discussed Deneen's history with NICE, the importance of prioritizing cyber talent and workforce issues, what stakeholders need to more effectively tackle the cyber skills and experience gap across the profession, and more.

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Special Editions
Dave Bittner
Dave Bittner is a security podcast host and one of the founders at CyberWire. He's a creator, producer, videographer, actor, experimenter, and entrepreneur. He's had a long career in the worlds of television, journalism and media production, and is one of the pioneers of non-linear editing and digital storytelling.
Creator: CyberWire, Inc.
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